FREE shipping!on all orders of $175 or more!($100 to FL, GA, AL) Why not add a few more fish? Shipping charges are based on a flat rate per box, for packaging and Fedex 2 day or ground shipping. You won't pay more if they fit in the box.
We ship to U.S. destinations (other than Alaska & Hawaii) All Orders are shipped out on WednesdaysThe order must be placed by Tuesday night at 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time, orders placed after this deadline will be shipped out the following Wednesday Search |
Electric Blue German Ram - Medium"The Electric Blue German Ram is a beautiful dwarf cichlid indigenous to Bolivia, Venezuela and Columbia. Our original strain of Blue Rams was originally exported to Germany in the late 1940s. We obtained our original strain directly from these breeders and have since outcrossed with a beautiful and very large natural strain from Columbia and an Electric Blue variety developed more recently. It is one of two members of the Genus Mikrogeophagus. It's species name is ramirezi. Full grown (and well fed) male adults can reach three inches long and 10 grams in weight. The Ram is a typical cichlid in that it is a pair-bonding, care-giving, somewhat territorial species. However it is an excellent community fish as it only requires a small space and gets along with most species. Our Rams have been show champions on many occasions. " Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Family: Cichlidae Origin: South and Central America Compatibility with Planted Aquariums: Compatible. Care and Handling: "Electric Blue German Rams prefer warm(78-82F), soft (<150ppm or < 9 dGH), acid (ph 6.2-6.8) water. However, our Rams will thrive in a wide range of water conditions including temperature (72-88F), hardness ( 0 - 250 ppm), and PH (5.0-8.0). Rams are omniverous and will thrive on a diet high in protein including standard cichlid diets, flake foods, spirulina and any form of live, dried or frozen shrimp." What to Do Before You Receive: "Adjust your tank to within the following parameters: PH between 6.2 and 6.8. Temperature between 74 and 78 degrees F. Rams generally prefer warmer water but this temperature range will be best for acclimation from transport water. Hardness does not matter as long as you have met the above conditions. Your fish will be shipped in approximately one half gallon of water. If your tank is too full to allow for this addition, then some water should be removed." What to Do When You Receive: "Before you open the box, be sure you have prepared your tank as discussed in the previous section and you are ready to introduce new fish to your tank. If you have other fish already in your tank you may want to feed them moderately before starting. 1) Turn all lights out in your aquarium. 2) Remove bag from box and float in tank unopened for 5 minutes. 3) Open the top of the bag and add about two cups of your existing tank water to the bag. 4) Let fish acclimate in this mixed water for 5 minutes. You can clip the bag of fish to the side of the tank with a close pin. 5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 every 5 minutes until bag is almost full then you may release the fish into the tank. 6) After about another 5 minutes you can turn your lights back on if needed." Size of Fish: 1.5 - 2 inches |